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"The artistic environment has always gone too close to me. Reluctance has led me to create having the desire not to show, perhaps out of insecurity, perhaps because I took creativity for granted and didn't feel the need to let it be known. younger, aware of the value, I feel the need to measure myself against the new frontier of art because, like polystyrene, it is the most distant from my feeling ".



Over the last few years the art market has undergone strong changes and has been the focus of many discussions, while admiring the new channels and new virtual platforms, we believe that nothing and no one will ever be able to change the physical essence of a Opera.

The intuition led us to think that we can combine the two worlds, the NFTs with the authentic art market, and so, that's what we will do; therefore, our goal is to donate the physical sculpture to the future owners of the NFTs.

We strongly believe in evolution, but for this very reason we know that to really go forward you have to take a small step back and not forget the true nature of art.

We dream of a future in which the two worlds do not come into conflict with each other, in the hope that the work will not become just an ephemeral memory for the new generations.

Preserve to evolve, evolve to preserve.


One of the key parts of the project is a solid community behind it.

We believe that transparency and communication are the basis for achieving all the objectives of our project and above all for the trust of the owners, who will see their work land towards a new and inevitable future.  

Future, this is the key word of our project, we want to represent, educate and build a constant presence in the NFT space that goes hand in hand with the principles of art.


A great project needs a big heart in order to work and we will not neglect the human aspect.

One of the first steps will be to build wells and dispensaries in Senegal, supporting and collaborating with the cultural association "Roots of love"  already active for years in the cause.


Another goal very dear to us is to organize virtual reality exhibitions in the metaverse, open to all, but with special surprises for the owners of the works.

We are mobilizing for the purchase of land in Decentraland and Sandbox, and we will aim to give space also to emerging artists to create a large community devoted to art and its conservation in the future, concurrently there will also be a series of live events in our beloved Italy.


Born in 1965. Third generation entrepreneur. In 1986 the first sole proprietorship in the construction sector. To date, 28 companies have been founded and managed, two of which are spa and one sas. In nine EU and non-EU countries in the civil and industrial construction, internet and telecommunications sectors with a total turnover of over 200 million euros. General aviation pilot specializing in aerobatic flight. Flight instructor. 

& founder



The artist





Born in 1954, he graduated in biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Florence. He has been collaborating with the artist for years, making his knowledge on the chemical reactions of polystyrene available. A challenge won by eliminating the use of chemistry to the advantage of natural products such as pure essential oils.


Project leader


Graduated in Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Sociology at the University of Perugia.
He immediately embarked on an entrepreneurial career by successfully managing various projects.
Dynamic and eclectic person, he loves to try his hand at new projects on the web that spill over into the social sphere.


Born in 1999. Film and television director, he collaborates with the largest Italian newspapers such as Rai. Art and creativity have always composed the strongest values of his nature, leading him to broaden his horizons in the new frontiers of usability of works and artists in Web 3.0. 

Artist manager & content creator



Web 3.0 expert


Born in Italy 23 years ago, he undertakes multiple paths in network marketing with considerable success. In 2017 he knows the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, specializing in the creation of platforms in Web 3.0 and NFT.

Passionate about the meta right from the start.


RP Manager

Born as a mechanical engineer, he has moved as an entrepreneur to the entire Web 3.0 world and beyond. All this by participating both as a project leader and in the technical part, in highly innovative engineering startup projects, applying his passions in the midst of the Web revolution.

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Road map

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